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Magnificent Marvin, the Soothsayer

~ Magnificent Marvin, the Soothsayer ~ Welcome to the parlor of Magnificent Marvin, the Soothsayer Silence, please, as I peer into my as yet opaque crystal ball Ah, friend, the mist is disappearing; the future is becoming clear And so, enabled by the Powers-That-Be, the Magnificent Marvin shall now prophesy... I hereby predict -- nay, guarantee! -- that the removal of Theodore Roosevelt's statue from the National History Museum will -- please grip your chair tightly, because here it comes -- not I repeat, will NOT, save one single Black Life in the U.S.A! ~ Voila!...The Magnificent Marvin has hereby decreed it! So be it! ~

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 6/22/2020 10:27:00 PM
While I think the confederate statues should be removed (properly, not through vandalism) we also can not ignore the warts of our past, and Teddy Roosevelt was not perfect (but who is?) but he did many great things for this country (such as founding many national parks) and should be recognized-
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 6/22/2020 11:29:00 PM
When I was growing up in the '50's, I was astonished to meet Southerners who still backed the Confederacy, 90 years the Civil War was over. I thought that their flag should be retired back then... As for Teddy, as you point out: Who is perfect? --- Certainly not those who made the 'brave decision' to take down his statue. What's become of us? We are all deeply flawed. As they say: "Judge not, lest ye be judged." (I think that I just quoted the New Testament for the first time in my life.). Take good care, Michelle! :) Gershon

Book: Reflection on the Important Things