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Magnavox Surveilence

I know I tell you this instant I am under surveillance my life is being recorded indefinite every movement private or ordinary including this moment every event big or insignificant without my consent there is no instant when i am alone only deep thoughts I no longer own I am sure I feel their stare every hour they dare can't you hear the transmissions and communication that high supersonic pollution sending a command to their camera the observer sometimes it’s near and sometimes it’s somewhere further then I hear them, their inside the interior I cannot explain tell you when it came how I missed them inside but you now they always hide what is sharp and clear is the camera they put in here right there in the Magnavox television an ordinary TV became their mission of course it still works with normal precision no matter what action I take it’s now in an unbreakable state WHAT DID YOU SAY? don’t look at me in that STUPID unbelievable way you can’t conceive why I won't just leave and be free as much as I hate the show they see I would rearrange the furniture down to the mantel or even change the channel to leave through the front door is not possible the problems that it will intelle outside, your crazy it's just short of suicidal don’t you understand they are watching every intention each direction to plan and abandon a walk out the door would terrorize I would be seen by all the eyes the eyes in the sky you can't deny the satellites catching everything like it's their right dominating the outside day and night pointed directly at My hidden front door don't get me started on the store’s once the night is in its darkest hour I have tried to leave regardless their power walk right out no longer the coward that is what all the plans are for I must make it out all my thought’s implore I extend my hand and keep my eyes on the floor holding the knob I begin the chore then as if it were a signal yes!! a secret signal something Tucked deep inside to conceal a dangerous secret like a man in the shadows wearing the blackest hat he conceals all the private things from my closet the phone rings before I can even see the welcome mat on a stunned level It's always the same devil I am obliged to acknowledge the scoundrel we are immersed in his timing an old move that is still so very cunning a silence oh so staggering my fear disorienting they are listening I pick up the phone ignoring the radio source a land line of course never touch a cellular they are the worst the G P S will never let you go cashiers at all the supermarkets will have a window Strange ladies at the grocer will be calling me by the name only I know frozen with fear the Receiver is on my ear there is no one there it's always the same dreaded silence the attempt to scare me in alliance must they listening for every performance I know it's them again in here and on the other end I am telling you I know and it's evident they are recording my every movement I am under surveillance I know Terry D’Arcy-Ryan

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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