Magical Night
What's left of Mother Nature's leaves
are strewn across her frosty girth.
A solemn bird chirps alone this eve
as fall is laid to rest on earth.
Twinkle, O Stars, the gods be at dice,
and the sky is bursting with riches tonight!
The air's taken chilly, the ground shines with ice.
Outside, we all gather in awe at the sight.
Out of the cosmos at a marvelous pace
a comet unfurls its glittering mane.
There's a hopeful look on everyone's face
that the wishes they cast will not be in vain.
Settling softly, the Queen takes her throne,
her herald now harkened, the court bows its head.
Casting her rays, so serene, so alone,
she laments that her lover lies cold in his bed.
The mirthful King Daylight, and lustrous Queen Moon,
can share but one kiss as each trades their place.
The Queen shines at midnight, the High King at noon,
each forever desiring the other's embrace
Copyright © Ron VanHooser | Year Posted 2021
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