Magic of Riverbank
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Flowing river’s beating drums
Open up all of mind’s doors
Overwhelming internal spurts
Give rise to verses of sentimental words
Big and small rocks in the river
Show foundations of natural graceful water structures
Snowy foam on surface of water
Resembles glossy silvery stirring pinnacles
Golden rays of mid afternoon sun
Sparkle nearby vegetation
Bushes appearing near rocks of the stream
Bring back lotus floras' elapsed reminiscence
Colorful butterflies and bees
Enjoy the season’s remaining flower glees
Leaping grasshoppers startle
Showing unique splashes of brilliantly colored wings
Softly blowing wind’s gust
Cuddles the body with its tender touch
Melodies of brook’s sweet jingles
Lulls the mind, helps enjoy the concert
Liveliness at the banks of the river
Show dynamism of nature’s life-force
Jovial mind becomes ecstatic
Spreads out its vibrant expressive feathers
Copyright © Smita Kulkarni | Year Posted 2019
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