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note... Pherekydes of Patrae is the first known conductor of Ancient Greece

My Maestro, Oh Maestro, the beauty of your love is a mesmerizing symphony and like the performance of Pherekydes of Patrae, you've led my heartbeats to a more perfect harmony, with the passion from your heart's baton. You set the tempo of our love as my Maestro, and created the euphoric score of our lives, when you listened to the sound of my heart, and conducted an orchestra of eternal rhythm, that fills the stage we share, with magical moments, of pure delight...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 3/28/2024 11:31:00 AM
How beautiful and soulfully moving is this take on the prompt, we all deserve a maestro to guide us to make musical memories together. I absolutely love the flow of this and the way youv expressed is so evocative and touching! As always. Youv delivered an exquisite take on the prompt; pleasure always reading your work dear frederick! A fave this is for me
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Date: 3/28/2024 11:17:00 AM
Great take on the contest Frederic.. Best of luck..
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