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Made In China

"Made In China" They can have my money If it saves me money The toys I played with when I was young, Says I enjoyed their hands The Labels read "MADE IN CHINA" The cheap material on my back, the shoes I wore. How easily they faded and tore However, I enjoyed their hands The Tags on my rags; "MADE IN CHINA" The car I own saves money on gas A tiny Honda Civic, takes me everywhere I love my sweet silver car "Manufactured in China" The never been used--Made in the USA--cookware I own, Says, I don't work hard at all:) Yummy to Chinese all you can eat take Outs Thank you China for being part of this world Better Yet! Thank you China, for making this world a part of yours. MADE IN CHINA Shipped easily in a box ~SKAT~

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 5/16/2019 8:54:00 AM
Very humorous and beautiful, Skat! I can't tell how I felt reading this but it's so true. Thanks for such a nice piece.
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Date: 11/23/2016 2:41:00 AM
nice poem. i like it because it is devoid of malice or anger. very sweet. something the world needs:) c
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Date: 10/20/2016 6:03:00 AM
Hahaha. SKAT you have done a great job. :') P.S Thank you for your kind words of appreciation. :')
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Date: 10/8/2016 4:15:00 AM
Thumbs up for Made in China. Congrats SKAT A
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Date: 6/17/2016 3:28:00 AM
I am hearing capitalism shipped in a box in a coffin on an altar of madness. Your poem provoked me and I believe that is good.
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Date: 4/18/2016 12:36:00 AM
You are cent percent right, Skate. At present China plays a very vital role in electronics, toys, automobiles etc. across the world. A brilliant write............hugs
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Date: 3/29/2016 2:07:00 PM
Hey there Skat. What a very lovely poem about "Made in China". Everything you said was and still is so true today. You have a very creative but also insightful way with words. ***Blessedchild ***
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Date: 2/9/2016 12:30:00 PM
Hi Skat, so true, so many things are made in China now, we can afford them. It should be made in U.S.A. In my case, made in the U.K. No, so many times we have to go with what we can afford. An excellent write from start to finish Skat. I must admit to the fact that i am partial to the Chinese Take-away myself. I really enjoyed this read. A seven from me Skat....Vladislav.
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Date: 2/4/2016 8:58:00 AM
Wow, this is great!
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Date: 1/4/2016 1:42:00 PM
Nice! Everything is made in china nowadays!
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Date: 1/2/2016 1:45:00 PM
So funny. But it holds a lot of truth. EVERYTHING is made in China. Love this, dear friend.
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Date: 12/10/2015 4:46:00 AM
An amazing poem. I'll never forget the first two lines.
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Date: 11/28/2015 11:47:00 PM
Jovial, stunning, and a slap-up poem SKAT!!! :)
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Date: 11/5/2015 4:22:00 PM
Skat: I just love the HUMOR and truth in this. It shows very descriptive play and yet has a bit of sarcasm in what quality we will give up on the Cheap! Good consideration on those labels that replaced USA. TWEAK: Google a car made in China. Most of the really good cars are from "Japan" INCLUDING "Honda". I believe Volvo has left Germany and is now built in China.
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Date: 8/19/2015 11:45:00 PM
Skat A. Good reading, good write, and a great reality. I would like to think that we all are interdependent on each other. Perhaps China's 'job market' says, "Made in America".
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Date: 7/30/2015 1:33:00 PM
"MADE IN CHINA/ Shipped easily in a box" - what a profound line!
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Date: 6/26/2015 1:35:00 AM
this cracked me up.... really it did! nice one dear friend
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Date: 6/8/2015 3:48:00 AM
This is adorable and extremely cute. Your soul just diffused into mine to wonderfully correlate with your message. Great work friend and thanks a zillion for visiting my page. I hope to be able to attract more of your attention. Once again this is an awesome piece of creativity. selah!
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Date: 6/7/2015 3:01:00 PM
Hi Skatie..working on a piece called "The great wal" also along the same lines..lovely read..cheers! Thabang
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Date: 5/31/2015 8:55:00 PM
Interesting piece on products made in China and how these have successfully flooded the world market. Honda Civic is a Japanese car brand made in Japan. China has tied up with car manufacturers in France(Citroen. Peugeot ), Germany (Volkswagen), Korea (Hyundai, Daihatsu) and later made their own BYD F3 (which was "a known copy" of the Toyota Corolla (with Honda Fit design cues). As for footwear and ready-to-wears, China does volumes but the quality is poor. Instant noodles is one China food product we all come across :-) Nice write and light poetry indeed. ~~~~Cynthia
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Date: 5/14/2015 10:55:00 PM
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Date: 5/13/2015 3:18:00 PM
I LOVE the last three lines. You have quite a sense of humor reading your pieces is so much fun!
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Date: 4/16/2015 9:04:00 AM
This one made me laugh. So true.
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Date: 3/14/2015 8:36:00 PM
Hello SKAT, many memories of playing with toys marked 'MADE IN HONG KONG' :) Quite sad that Chinese hands made my guitar tuners and trusting hands passed them over continents. Then English hands purloined them at the final hurdle ! Leaving that aside, thank you for the very warm welcome and I look forward to reading more ! Steve
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Date: 2/21/2015 7:15:00 AM
Isn't that the truth Skat.. Love your poem!
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