Made By Love
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Made By Love
A star falls from the heavens,
I see with my own eyes.
An angel wrapped in wings of love
sent down from the skies.
And thus begins the journey
of an angel sent to earth.
Waiting in a mothers womb
who gives the angel birth.
Born upon a special day
so precious in our sight.
Unknown for now by those on earth
born of a star that night.
An angel held so softly cries,
within a mothers arms.
A mother sheds her loving tears
caught up in babies charms.
Still unseen are days to come
created from a seed.
Sent from heaven on that night
to meet an earthly need.
Teaching us of things so dear,
this gift sent from above.
This baby that was born that day
an angel made by love.
Edwin C Hofert.
Copyright © Edwin Hofert | Year Posted 2015
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