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Luxuriating Showering On a Cold Winter Day

Despite emotional, financial, grammatical... any woe that doth assail whereat early in the morning until late at night tub bail sinking craft, not possible (essentially 24/7), I bewail, where the fickle finger of fate stationed me in life, as if groping in the dark unfamiliar with Braille at heart though - directly predicted on how yours truly did curtail requisite healthy development of body, mind, and spirit, yes analogous to a train tragically did derail in a near fatal (scores of years ago) accident (sorry no gory detail), yet the impact still sorely felt (argh...eek...ouch...all pains dovetail actually more like subduction, (way more powerful than deleting email), sans plate tectonics geomorphism process (a lengthy missive would entail) full scale explanation, okay in a figurative nutshell this, male long (winded) fellow cannot Atlas shrug off the belief he did fail, and hopelessly embarked on impossible mission to secure the Holy Grail this state of mind linked to many pursuits that metaphorically did fishtail many objectives abandoned finding me to flail convincing myself at a tender age incapable NOT gale lent academically, athletically, avocationally... thus many personal enterprises witnessed a scared boy, hence best to hightail further progress without testing potential, I often ruminate, how aye did hobnail, viz self imposed aversion to risk on par with the most fortified jail and one circumstance that expunges burdensome junk mail occurs basking under spray as warm water doth prevail cleansing, kickstarting, and rejuvenating (albeit temporarily) though some hours later... back to choppy waves and torturous sail.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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