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Lunchtime School Memories

Memories, are valuable as they are instant portraits of your past. Surprises, they are too, as in thinking of an edible repast. No lunches were brought in bags, nor in boxes, But served to us, hot foods prepared by nuns! They served us at immaculate, white long tables! We were dying to eat but knew the Cross on the wall.... Meant we could not eat till grace was said. And ....only then, we would be able. I miss those days , of cleanliness and order. We ate in grace, there was no space for loudness nor disorder! The sun shined lovingly, through frosted windows at Holy Family Academy . When God still counted, and children raised, as valued members of God’s beloved own family! Dedicated to..The Sisters of Nazareth _Holy Family Academy _ Chicago, Illinois 7/20/2021 …1…

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 7/24/2021 10:23:00 AM
Pangie and I went to the same school but we were not in the same grade. I also remember the wonderful cafeteria that served hot food prepared by the nuns. Station 1 had an entree and a carb. It was served on white dishes. There was an assortment of sizes of the entree and carbs. Station 2 was a vegetable which was put on the same plate. Again, just tell the nun how much you want or don't want. Station 3 was dessert.
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/24/2021 10:42:00 AM
Hi fellow alumni of HFA.glad you shared all this. I do not remember it. How cool you do,, I got the picture of the swimming pool at SCHOOL. AWESOME. NO longer run by nuns, but aMontessori School ...perfect. We both were in ballet, too with Miss Layla! Now here we are, Both with teaching backgrounds, now landing on Poerty Soup. Terrific Thank you, Pangie XXOO
Date: 7/24/2021 6:06:00 AM
Wow! This was so beautiful. What a wonderful memory to share.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/24/2021 10:46:00 AM
ELENA, HI, Thanks for taking time to comment.! Was an awesome experience... Pangie xxoo
Date: 7/22/2021 9:42:00 AM
I remember parochial school well; though it was eons ago. This took me back.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/24/2021 10:51:00 AM
Well, ML. It was so long ago for me, too. there is an added comment from Madelyn..,I did not recall The specifics..holy smokes. Hope you ger to read her comments...inever saw a plastic anything at lunch. What civility. Pangie XXOO
Date: 7/21/2021 6:32:00 PM
Sweet... And the memories grow sweeter and richer every year too. Nice Tribute to the nuns and the school, Pangie. ~ Gershon
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/24/2021 10:56:00 AM
Their influence remains,Gershon. Never saw a teaching staff like that in a public school.. They were Truly dedicated to mind and spirit. It was a small school too. By that I mean class size Pangie xx
Date: 7/21/2021 4:23:00 PM
Hello panagiota,yes i must say these are happy childhoods for you to remember. Hugs xx
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 7/22/2021 6:21:00 AM
Hello Panagiota, you have good memories of your childhood.Hugs xx
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/21/2021 4:31:00 PM
Darlene..I can still see that happy, clean place. So many lively, lovely lunches there. Thank you for commenting, Pangie XXOO
Date: 7/21/2021 9:08:00 AM
Happy childhood memories Pangie, I wonder if the school is still there. Tom
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Mckay Avatar
Madelyn Mckay
Date: 7/24/2021 11:12:00 AM
The nuns sold the building in 1989. It became a Montessori school with an enrollment of 535. It is the oldest and largest Montessori school in the country. They still have the swimming pool. Looks like a great renovation on it. The pool was called the Natatorium. I wonder what the sign on the door says now? Love those old Latin derivatives.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/21/2021 2:22:00 PM
It had both a grammar and high school. Included a swimming pool that, back then, all girls schools did not have. It's where I learned Catechism. I still remember this. WHY DID GOD MAKE YOU? Answer..TO KNOW HIM , LOVE HIM AND SERVE HIM, SO THAT I WOULD BE HAPPY WITH HIM IN THE LIFE TO COME. My country is doing tbeir utmost to destroy God and all His laws. Then they wonder, why it is nuts here? Heaven help Us. We are now, one nation under Fauci? With no liberty and no justice for all. Will look up school for you. Pangie xx Pangie XXOO
Date: 7/21/2021 5:21:00 AM
I can't stand movies with food fights or food wasted as props -- I recall a friend's father and mother visiting the US from Germany, they had lived through the war -- we were good hosts, served some pastries...not a crumb that fell on that table did these well dressed, well groomed folks let waste, wetting their finger-tips to pick up and ingest every morsel that had scattered outside the plate. It was a silent meditation.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/21/2021 2:14:00 PM
Prince de Mino! Thank you for that inspiring story, wow! I loved tbe German pastry shops in Chicago. White Table cloths!! All food served pristinely...I cannot explain it. I am one who dislikes slovenly tables, no class and tossing food away, too! Guten Abend! Pangie xxoo
Date: 7/20/2021 5:00:00 PM
A wonderful and nostalgic recall of your school days, Pangie! Far different from my elementary school days in a school where one teacher taught 3 classes in one room. Most kids were farm kids and the lunches reeked of fried egg sandwiches and oranges! Bleaaah! Bob
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/20/2021 5:11:00 PM
Wow, Bob. I am definitely a city slicker. I loved your description of your school. Wonderful.i was dragged to the family farm in tbe summer in Wisconsin.i wanted back to tbe city.vDhicago was safe when Pangie was a punk !! Pangie xxoo

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