Lucy In the Garden
Mornings are magic in the garden.
Awakening plants open up slowly to the new day. As sunlight comes creeping over the horizon, touching sleeping leaves with gold, dewdrops are drenching the new spring growth. The light shows every spiderweb’s gossamer woven structure, with glittering diamonds hanging on evey strand.
There are many of them located here—in the grass, between the vegetables and between the beanpoles are good places to make a home.
I think that this garden belongs to a short, round human that is called Bridget. At least I have seen her respond tothat name when it was called out while she was working here.
My family has been living here for many years. I am a garden spider, and I am a very pretty one. My colors are yellow and black.
Bridget comes out to the garden and stands there for a while, just looking around and smiling. I can understand it, there are many wonderful places to make a web here, it makes you smile! But it seems to me that she is smiling at many other things, too, like the flowers and all the green plants growing.
When she spots me, she says:” Hello Lucy,” so I think that is my name. “How are you this morning?” I answer her:” Well I am hungry and I am waiting to catch something soon.” However, I am not sure she even speaks spider, because she just goes on.
My grandmother told us last year, when it was fall and the tomatoes ripened and the okra was tall as well as the beanpoles were loaded with beans all over, she had a web between some fat red tomatoes. It was a good place, shady and cool from the hot summer sun.
Bridget came out and started gathering okra, then spotted the red round tomatoes and reached over to them. She parted the leaves and came very close to touching grandma with her nose! She then let out a scream that made the hair rise on grandma’s back. Poor grandma scrambled as fast as she could under a big leaf.
So, even when she stands there, smiling, I am going to be careful when she is around!
Copyright © Bridget Aubrey | Year Posted 2019
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