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Lucky the Lucky Dog

Lucky was such a lucky dog.Who had such a lucky owner.That one day, the two went walking together in the park.Only to hear the other dogs bark.The owner said! 'Lucky, today's my lucky day'.So he went ahead, and bought a lottery ticket.Over at the local supermarket. Then he rubbed the lottery ticket, onto Lucky's nose.Only heaven knows, how lucky Lucky's nose could be.Because, before you knew it. The owner of Lucky.Was as rich as can be. The owner of Lucky.Was a walking money tree.And Lucky! Was just a lucky dog strolling along.Luck! Was on Lucky's side once again. When the owner of Lucky.Went to the horse racing track.The owner of Lucky, bet on Slippery Shoes to win in the seventh.After the horse won. The owner of Lucky had loads of fun.Again! Him and the dog went strolling along.So the very next day, the owner took his dog Lucky, to the big casino in Las Vegas.Where he sat next to Lucky, and played the one armed bandit slot machine. Before you knew it.The owner of Lucky hit a very large jackpot.The place went wild, and everybody was happy.Everywhere the owner went, with Lucky along.The owner would win.Only to hear his favorite song.So the next time you buy a K-9.Name him Lucky! The lucky dog.. Pet Story Poem By Kim Robin Edwards Copyright 2003,2014.. ALL rights reserved.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 4/18/2014 12:07:00 PM
Lol, too funny!
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