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and post notes and photos about your poem like Gary Bateman.
Author's Notes: "Love's Alchemy is Eternal" is a Shakespearean Sonnet I completed on June 27, 2016. I was inspired to write this particular sonnet because I wanted to focus on some key emotional, passionate, and ethereal notions underlying "LOVE" essentially as a transformative process for two people who are truly and deeply in love and destined to be together always. "Transformative" is where my metaphorical use of "Alchemy" comes into to play throughout this sonnet. I chose to write this sonnet in open meter, vice iambic pentameter, which is what I usually default to traditionally in most of my past sonnets. I personally liked the power and pitch of each of the interlocking verses in this sonnet. The ending couplet of the sonnet portrays, I think, superbly the protagonist's prayer of love's final transformation for an eternity, followed by the bold declaration that his love shall never leave his chosen mate, that is, his wife in this instance. (Gary Bateman - June 27, 2016) (Shakespearean Sonnet)
Meter: Open
Rhyming Sequence: abab|cdcd|efef|gg
Categories: dream, emotions, god, heaven, love, metaphor, and symbolism.