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I’d follow you into the depths of the ocean I have no idea why. I've never had to deal with this emotion But now my love for you spans well beyond our sky. I would do anything and everything in my power to save you This rule includes sacrificing my own life I promise my love you are the one I will always come back to We are written in the stars, my girl, one day you will be my wife. You know me, inside and out, soul and all You make me happy when I feel like I’ll never smile again I don’t believe in God but for you, I would make that call I’d pray to keep your love, down on my knees I’d give an amen. I don’t know why you are the only one to make me feel this way. I’ve never been one to get what others call butterflies But with you my dear I get them every day I would kill for you, sweetheart, should the need arise. The way your dark hair cascades across your shoulders Or how you always smile when I walk into the room Your beautiful eyes seem to draw me in, they become my holders I’ll always know the sound of your voice, even when I lay in my tomb.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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