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Love where have you gone

Poet's Notes

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Just stick your head in the sand and pretend it's not happening, silence in the face of evil has caused the truth to be crushed and we all know when good morals become bad who's in charge
One day you will see the victims of this judgement there is a language barrier between life and death we mean no one any harm Yet branded as lepers deeply hurting Justice knowing what our angels receive in our stead why persecute us everyday praying for those that trespass against us Hurt has a funny way of opening the eyes When condemned unworthy and unclean call it the selfish way of thinking on others Fear has produced a negative culture blaming everyone else for their faults Each of us has a choice in order to be wise do we choose our welfare over that of others blaming everyone else for your faults and sin When protecting basic human rights is our mission expressing opposition defending the silent voice unheard there lies the weakness of a heart in conflict defeated

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 8/6/2024 12:29:00 PM
Bloody well right! You tell 'em Liam
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