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Love Universe

Love Universe Where is the planet of life? A world of suffering-free life? Where is the planet of life? A world of death-free life? Where is the planet of love? A world of disappointment-free life? Where is the planet of equality? A world of discrimination-free life? Where is the planet of peace? A world of war-free life? Where is the planet of cooperation? A world of chaos-free life? Where is the planet of construction? A world of destruction-free life? Where is the planet of common will? A world of non-hostile life? Where is the planet of the pure will? A world of evil-free life? My observatory can not see this world in the night sky My observatory can not find the universe on this planet My heart explores the world but there is no life of love My heart is just searching and searching for the universe of love The universe of love The universe of love The universe of love A planet of love. The world of respect, the world of tactfulness A love of the earth. There is no earth. There is no ocean. No Desert No Ocean in my desert. Just dried oases, oases. Love, I still love you Someone loved you. Love. Only a dried feeling. Passed desire But the little fire in my soul keeps the life alive. Yes. I want someone I want to say to someone I love you and forget my egoistic life Yes. I am a sinner but I respect the life, all the life. Loved lives. Need you Love of the universe, the Creator, and your soul. Loving you In an unknown universe, our lives just fly, in the love galaxy Where is it? In your heart. Let me touch your heart. Give sound Please, please. An answer. To my heart. Loving you my dead heart Still Always Where is our life? Where is our love? Where is our death? Where is our hate? I love you I hate you Our life is not independent. We are together, I get you Satan drives our lives. Saver. Saver of morality Loved By Me Where is our love? Where is the pure love? I needed a woman. Still. Only she. The woman. Who can Drive Me Where is the love? In the Universe Where is the universe? Where is the living life? Where is our life? Where is our love and loves? We need just only one world. Together. Our life. My life is an escape. From the responsibility I can not find you in my blue ocean. Change life! Loved you a dolphin. He is waiting for you. Be wet Be ocean. Love you Honestly My Universe Love I need your universe Give Love

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