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Love Is Like Chocolate

Smooth sweet delicious memories Awaken the beautiful mysteries of my mind, And trapses through my musings Without even a notion of bitter taste. Sing with me the most succulent songs That linger with absolute tones Of magnificence and splendor Just as the rise of my hastening heartbeat Continues along the current of my veins, And my satiated body tingles While the most agreeable tastes delight, And the awe of its mere existence Enriches like the savory first bite Surrounding itself with unnecessary resilience Without the populace quiet awareness. Yes love is like chocolate the people exclaim As out of various hues of brown erupt Just enough light to capture what was hidden Beneath the richness of sugary beauty Where solids mollify and are eagerly swallowed Delivering deep affection for all that is.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 5/22/2023 7:54:00 AM
Thanks for sharing this... exposing your thoughts through your unique poetic style. Welcome to Poetry Soup. I welcome you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Be blessed.
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