Love Is For the Hardened
Love is for the foolish
Ha, why did I say that?
If you are not foolish
you would not fall in love
You would not take a chance
Where else would you know
that you would jump in before you know everything?
Love is for the hardy
It makes you hardened
Hardened for the tough time
Hardened for the good time
Hardened for anything that God sends your way
What does God send your way?
Love is for the foolish, hardened
Love is not for me
Just kidding
If I want to be loved
I'd better love
I'll start tomorrow
Ok, which one?
PS: This poem came to my head the minute I read Silent One's title: "Love is for the Brave". Ok, Silent One I'll read yours now :)
Copyright © Toquyen Harrell | Year Posted 2016
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