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Love and Pinata Fluff

Love is you loving me and me loving you The rest is piñata fluff Though love seems an illusion it lives in the soul of expectation I fight for the love we had yesterday to experience your pure love again and as we know today some people can’t be loved in this promiscuous era of selfish indulgences the personal pronoun prevails But you and I have a loving history I always felt we were too quick to part but we have seen the light haven't we? When the young fall in love they have no understanding of the struggles ahead unselfish efforts we willingly make to strengthen the bonds of love may later default on the promise that forever love though sincerely said can close all paths to the truth of an honest love But you and I are lucky to have found each other again you feel that too don't you? we remember the love we had and shared don't we? enough shenanigans, let’s go home, our home And love each other again fervently like we did the first time we met and began this true love in those golden tomorrows we promised each other in those happier days and nights of yesterday

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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