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Love and change

Is it about time I turned a corner, And mix with more friends and not be a loner. Grow with confidence push myself harder, Nourish my body with trips to the larder. Walk with my dog who I call Dora, She's a French bull dog your gonna adore her. Fill my day with plenty of action, It's a great motivator and a helpful distraction. Feel better in myself and people would know, I'm back to reality with a smile and a glow. Not to forget a past life on pause, 3years of bad trauma the probable cause. Bringing up the horrors I saw, The death of my partner who I miss even more. The mother of our son and a good one at that, But it's the time missed with him and where his life's at. We had so much to do, And places to see, Grow old together and cuddle with me. So hard to forget and realise its no more , I love you so much and that love will just grow.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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