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Lost Valley

There has to be a sudden sunlight breaking the mist and clouds. A shaft of dazzling brightness that lifts the murk completely off the landscape. Conditions must be just so, then there it is you are looking down from the high moors into a lost valley. A place unrecorded on any map yet many claim to have glimpsed it. A sweet verdant expanses of rolling hills through which a rivulet sparkles as it flows over chalk white stones. Yellow-green is the pasture and gold the tips of the corn grass but this is only a transitory vision we see, a momentary mirage, then the clouds mash together, mist covers the view once more. We are left with just these tall tales that we swap with other walkers in the village pub below.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 11/10/2022 10:55:00 AM
Nice work, Eric. I enjoyed your poem.
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Eric Ashford
Date: 11/11/2022 9:30:00 AM
Thank you L Milton. It's kinda true just embellished!

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