Lost Now Found
Lost Now Found
Thick clouds seem to gather, around my weary head
Blinding, tumbling, shifting
Sometimes those clouds suffocate, filling me with dread
Gathering, cloaking, drifting
Then I sense a tender voice, floating through the haze
Sighing, whispering, calling
I hope that voice will help me find, more sunny cloudless days
Hoping, wanting, longing
I shake my head and hope to find, these dark clouds disappear
Breaking, thinning, clearing
Suddenly I hear your voice, speaking soft and clear
Caring, freeing, endearing
What I never realized, this just came to me
Dawning, awakening, pleasing
You have been here all along, if I could only see.
My living, loving, reason.
(at times we fail to see or we take for granted, what is right before us)
Copyright © Lenna Walker | Year Posted 2017
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