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Lost Now Found

Lost Now Found Thick clouds seem to gather, around my weary head Blinding, tumbling, shifting Sometimes those clouds suffocate, filling me with dread Gathering, cloaking, drifting Then I sense a tender voice, floating through the haze Sighing, whispering, calling I hope that voice will help me find, more sunny cloudless days Hoping, wanting, longing I shake my head and hope to find, these dark clouds disappear Breaking, thinning, clearing Suddenly I hear your voice, speaking soft and clear Caring, freeing, endearing What I never realized, this just came to me Dawning, awakening, pleasing You have been here all along, if I could only see. My living, loving, reason. (at times we fail to see or we take for granted, what is right before us)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 5/3/2017 1:13:00 PM
Love the form of this Lenna. Gives each line a deeper meaning and appreciation. And the theme, well you know that really captures me and keeps me reading. To be lost and alone only to hear that voice and it becomes clear, they were always there, we just didn't listen close enough. Beautiful my friend.
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Lenna Walker
Date: 5/3/2017 2:21:00 PM
I'm so happy to hear you say that. I was trying something I don't do often and hoping for feedback. I am glad you liked it !! I must thank you for sending another member to visit me also. I just can't thank you enough as you seem to be my biggest (and most supportive) fan here .... smiling !!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry