Lost Indecision
He wakes every morning already in pain
He takes no meds because addiction lives with in him
He checks his feet are they purple or blue
Flat foot he can't stand unless he puts his foot strait in a shoe
Will today be the day that the bullet takes the pain.
Not suicidal its more if a quality of life decision
Pain free no judgment no self hate no reason to see disdain
Time to check the chamber nope still have the in decision
What reason do we have to live duty to God bury are kin
What beauty is left to hold us here chirping birds and cricket songs
What truth and love among people can you find any where
The judgment onto those in pain is cruel as any day is long
We make them feel useless and weak
When they got hurt by edifying you and me
We about sparing money from are check
Causs we are week minded and easily misled
The amount we expect them to live on is unimaginable
Yet we would say its plenty but most didn't notice
Able body non saving and planing were crying 1000 a month wasn't enough need that plus 500 q week and a 1000 for each kid
Never even realized how hypocritical you had just been
Their is division being preached on social media
Holding groups accountable for past sins
Complaining of stolen lands and past imprisonment
Well try to focus on were we are going not where we been
If I might clear up one thing to the Victor go the spoils
Thats what war is for no pretty but its how it works
And everyone who wants to speak about treachery of the past
Keep in mind as Americans all of us are guilty of the very same atrocities daily feeding slave labor child labor sex slaves gang violence just cause its not in front of you don't mean its gone take accountability of that then talk to ne about money for the now free
I can manage another day my wit is sharp
My eyes have no problems seeing
I will stay grounded in truth covered with an understanding tarp
But I will never loose my indecision because choices are why we all breath
Copyright © Shawn Gorsick | Year Posted 2022
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