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Present cold damp days will soon be gone;

Fresh blooming flowers will soon return;

Squirrels and trees will no longer be apart and alone;

And we’ll be happy out there with our lovely sunburn:-


Low temperatures will soon be high;

Present short daylight will soon be long:-

New happy rain, will leave rainbows in the sky;

And soaring birds will soon fill the air with a song:-


Frothing waves and warm sands await us;

Parks and lakes will be festive again:-

And fruiting trees will be fruitfully gorgeous,

And beautiful nature will daily keep us entertained:-


Wow, nature canvases so much allegorical


Guiding and springing us back into cultivating

Our liberationism:- 

Present cold damp days will soon be gone; Fresh blooming flowers will soon return; Squirrels and trees no longer apart and alone; And we’ll be happy out there with our sunburn:- Low temperatures will soon high; Present short daylight will soon be long:- New happy rain, will leave rainbows in the sky; And soaring birds will soon fill the air with song:- Frothing waves and warm sands await us; Parks and lakes will be festive again:- And fruiting trees will be fruitfully gorgeous, And beautiful nature will daily keep us entertained:- Wow, nature canvases so much allegorical Wisdom, Guiding and springing us back into cultivating Our liberationism:-

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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