Lost and Black
A black girl lost in the world,
Feeling like she doesn't belong,
Her skin is a shade that stands out,
In a society that tells her she's wrong.
She walks the streets with a heavy heart,
Feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders,
Searching for a place where she fits in,
But constantly feeling like she's an outsider.
Her hair, her dance, her spirit so free,
A reflection of her rich history,
But in a world that tries to erase her past, S
he struggles to find her identity.
She's told to straighten her hair,
To lighten her skin, to blend in,
But she knows she's beautiful as she is,
And refuses to let society win.
She's strong,
She's resilient,
She's proud,
She knows her worth,
Her power, Her truth,
And though the world may try to break her,
She knows her spirit will always shine through.
So she walks with her head held high,
A warrior in a world that seeks to tear her down,
And though she may be lost at times,
She knows she'll always be found.
For she is a black girl,
Strong and true,
A force to be reckoned with,
Alight in the dark,
And though the world may try to dim her shine,
She will always leave her mark.
Copyright © Rhaziah Clark | Year Posted 2024
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