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Lord God, You Are My Everlasting Strength

July 11 Relationship to God Bible Meditations Based on Isaiah 26-29 Key Verse – Isaiah 26:4 Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.
LORD GOD, YOU ARE MY EVERLASTING STRENGTH Lord God, You are my everlasting Strength Who supports me with Your uprightness Thank You that Your salvation assures my everlasting blessedness Help me always to behold Your majestic gloriousness… Keep my soul in Your righteousness. Lord God, You are my everlasting Strength Who visits me with Your mercy Thank You that Your Word increases my faith’s fervency Help me always to dwell in Your grace-excellency… Keep my heart in Your compassion’s consistency. Lord God, You are my everlasting Strength Who upholds me with Your peace Thank You that Your sanctification cleanses my transgression-grease Help me always to seek Your truth that does not cease… Keep my spirit in Your favour as You I desire to please. Lord God, You are my everlasting Strength Who crowns me with Your divine beauty Thank You that Your leadership smites my pride to practice humility Help me always to learn from Your precepts of sovereign authority… Keep my vow in Your covenant’s certainty. Lord God, You are my everlasting Strength Who establishes me with Your foundation Thank You that Your doctrine guards my decisions against perversion Help me always to listen to Your instruction… Keep my discretion in Your wisdom’s direction. Lord God, You are my everlasting Strength Who revives me with Your might Thank You that Your power fortifies my servanthood delight Help me always to share Your Gospel, so good and right… Keep my commitment in Your guidance-light. Lord God, You are my everlasting Strength Who nurtures me with Your counsel Thank You that Your pardon works for my purification against sin-hassle Help me always to abide in Your plan despite worldliness’ bustle… Keep my life preserved in Your love midst unbelief’s thistle.
July 11, 2023

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 7/20/2023 12:52:00 PM
Indeed God is our everlasting strength Keep the Good work
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