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Looting With Hobby Lobby

If we pray for other countries to prosper, real neighbor ... As Old Cultures and Histories model, imbibe, declare ... There would be fewer dark nations seeking refuge in whiter Would you even consider praying for Nicaragua, El Salvador, Gautemala, Honduras, and Mexico to reach more of their poor With JUSTICE, fair prices for what they own, sell, barter??? Even as Scott Simon exposes HOBBY LOBBY, Bible Museum builder Paid a fine ($3m) & helping denude Iraq of its Own, "war souvenir" Of our celebrated warriors of freedom, and yes, capitalists-investor Yes, you have to think hard and forgive me, for this NEWS You may hide while ululating Fox, Skunk, Weasel News (fake news?) As we who escaped here for religious reasons, send kids to our prisons The unexamined life is not worth living, said Socrates Who died rather than parrot what Religion and Politician needed To hear, to let him continue teaching (Questions): Deductive, Socratic ... I have drunk poison too, and something died, something living Yes, Iraq can teach us that Occupation is worse than dying The Museum curators still hide Gold Treasures, 15 years & counting .... FOOTNOTE: Please google "HOBBY LOBBY," funder of Liberty University, too. I ought to have, much earlier, added this NOTE: "Hobby Lobby" is a leading American Company that prides itself as "Christian." It bought stolen artefacts looted from Iraq since the 1990s, and paid a fine of $3 million to the US Government. They also have enjoyed that dubious honor of helping "build" the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. More love for Museums than for people alive today? You do the research & RE/consider ...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 6/27/2018 3:56:00 PM
READ John 5:14& 8:11.Jesus healed a cripple at Pool of Bethesda & only later, "Go and sin no more, lest a worse fate befall thee." To Woman caught in adultery by men HE FREED her. Added, "Go and sin no more." We love the forgiveness part & "sin no more" is not quoted. Sick doctrines. No, I supported US Holocaust & Native museums. What I write speaks loudly.I'm eclectic but BIG Christian companies owe us BIG duties.Not repeat theft in each country: land,water,food,spice,rice,animals, Artefacts
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Date: 6/26/2018 9:32:00 PM
Brother Anil, we all believe in God, our paths to sharing in His Glory are numerous as blossoms in Spring...many paths are under seige in today's world...there is only One who can judge us earthly sinners, I am not the Chosen One...
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Goff Avatar
James Marshall Goff
Date: 6/26/2018 9:35:00 PM
I would love to visit museums that honor ALL paths, keeping Jesus my Savior always in my heart! Shalom...
Date: 6/25/2018 12:58:00 PM
I ought to NOTE: Hobby Lobby is a big American Company that prides itself as "Christian." HL bought stolen artefacts from Iraq, andjust paid a fine of $3 million to the US Government. They also have the dubious honor of having helped build the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. More love for Museums than for people alive today? You consider ...
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Date: 6/24/2018 5:41:00 AM
Lyric Man, thanks so much for stopping by. Shalom, shalom ... you approach poetry as I do with prayer. Who knows, this Earth may become a better place rather than where we prevent others gaining citizenship, "Our Nationality."
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Date: 6/24/2018 12:12:00 AM
Anil.. such an interesting title and a poem!
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