Looking Back At Trump's Capital Assault Twice
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Looking Back At Trump's Capital Assault Twice
From that storm-driven dark day.~
I saw rioters chanting U-S-A, U-S-A.~
And raging, raging, having their stay.~
Like wound-up robots with words to say.~
The mob-like lapped the Capital and its prey.~
Then raced through the steps of Trump's relay.~
For there they were under his spell and play.~
Like they were programmed to stray.~
Months after Trump's stop the steal came to a fray.~
When the mob took the Capital my heart was dismay.~
It was like watching stupidity, and horror in disarray.~
For there they stood casually in foul play.~
Waving flags, cameras, and de-pricing their way.~
Yet totally oblivious to the law and mainstay.~
This day needs closure and the puppeteer has to pay.~
Note-I wrote this poem on another site soon after the January 6th attack
back in 2021. What's sickening to me is that when Trump retook the office on 1/20/25 the very next day 1/21/25, he pardoned, and granted clemency to more than 1,500 people charged with crimes in the violent Jan. 6, 2021 attack. That was a sad day in U.S. history twice. It's a slap in the face to our country, justice system, capital police, and to all the law-abiding citizens, and especially to the children who have witnessed Trump's ill-fitted actions. Is this the kind of world we want our children raised? Where the leader of our
USA has no respect for the law, common sense morals, and good leadership. As it stands the puppeteer didn't pay. He's up there laughing at us along with his supporters ... and he'll continue laughing and being untethered because nobody can stop him.
Copyright © Connie Pachecho | Year Posted 2025
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