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Lonesome Rider

Thankless perhaps or just a twisted delusional drift Compounded by an mounding anxious rift Eyes of turquoise green glass Take a direct trip to the past Bordering on the edge of obscene Trembling but not from caffeine The minds adrift pickling down No smiling glances from the banished clowns Creeks running high blackbirds peeking with their purposeful break Espresso sleek Upon a spring morning breezy and free came a muddling self Time to take a reflecting look for oneself Changes drifted in like a zephyr from below And I sit here with my heart in tow Can’t see the forest from the trees When the best things in life stand before me Pulling and tearing at the core of uncertainty Down on my knees swallowed in a state of sick jubilee Another message from my minds absurdity Cracked and dusty now peeling down Feeling the pain whispering its sound This humanity, this space- Come the lonesome riders and the sadly misplaced

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 8/1/2013 3:55:00 PM
I think the lonesome rider with 'eyes of turquoise green glass' has composed a beautiful, sad and wisdom-filled poem...I am in awe - Tim
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Date: 7/31/2013 4:13:00 AM
Its last line is as apetising as the first line. You are undoubtedly amazing. I envy every line. - ( am very greatful for your kind visit to my page, its such comments that u give, that give strength to me and value in the tresure of poetry)
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Date: 7/29/2013 3:26:00 PM
No smiling glances from the banished clowns...I really love that line....among the whole thing...great poem.....
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Date: 7/29/2013 11:26:00 AM
Very nice write Laura.... Kind of made me feel like a lonesome rider. And thanks for stopping by with your comments...They are always a pleasure to read. :o)
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Date: 7/28/2013 9:39:00 PM
Well I like your words very much " Can’t see the forest from the trees " my mother told me that a few times ;}
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Mckenzie Avatar
Laura Mckenzie
Date: 7/28/2013 9:44:00 PM
Well thank you very much the poem was about me if you couldn't figure it out, I didn't make it very clear. Thanks for your comments Debbie!
Date: 7/25/2013 2:20:00 PM
It almost sounds like the "riders" & "misplaced" are similar to a sheep-like mentality. I may be off on this one. Either way, you presented some very powerful imagery embedded within, what seems to be humanity beind possessed by misery. Again, I may be off. Wonderful job for messing with my mind! =)
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Mckenzie Avatar
Laura Mckenzie
Date: 7/28/2013 9:19:00 PM
forget it I messed up I was reading it to fast!
Tacito Avatar
Poet Tacito
Date: 7/26/2013 8:29:00 AM
I'm very confused. I was actually complimenting your work (IE: "very powerful imagery"). The "messing with my mind" comment was meaning that this piece made me think. Are you confusing me with somebody else? I've only left positive comments on your other pieces that I started reading this week. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
Mckenzie Avatar
Laura Mckenzie
Date: 7/25/2013 2:31:00 PM
I'm not messing with your mind my message is deep to me. You certainly have alot of negative things to say about my poetry. Here's what I say if you don't like it don't comment on my work. If you continue to be rude I'l have to report you! I've been a member on this site for years and just came back after two years so give me a brake!!!!!!!!!!!!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry