Lonely Night Noisy Day
I hate night full of loneliness as no one to play with as my age gets older like the mountain. I suppose to pain joy and happiness on the faces of my family, but nobody is around me. I cry so much for been alone; the night makes me cry tears of rivers like middle August thinking the day.
I will be in my shallow grave. Tears run my chic like the rain that keeps me smiling hoping to dream sweet dreams in my sweater. Chickens are crawling in eggs waiting for justice to be served. Thunder flashes light of Pride, that keeps me crooked, I pay my brother to carry me on the throne of happiness.
The King rode the chariot to serve his country men, the table bears me piece of memory to escape the wickedness of my fellows men. I run in the night to escape the wicked bandits in the jungle. The adversary of my soul blows candle burning my heart on the face of a lad.
Bad master conjugated date to celebrate my kindling success, true love will visit me on midday to share the smiling blessings on the door and to explain to my family love inscribed as a symbol of happiness in my heart.
My destiny is the only weapon I have to build my career to defend my future. The battle field is my father’s orchards, where I must fight to defend. The bodyguards are to serve the King and kill the goat for denying milking the kingdom of heaven.
Copyright © Mohamed Manzur Bah | Year Posted 2017
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