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Local Living Matters

I hear things right side down and bottom left side up as I get older so consider the source. Anyway, I hear Colchester Connecticut Democrats, and some cross-registering Republicans, want to establish a multicultural health commission concerned about military and local police mercenaries feeling discriminated against, picked on, unloved, left out, under-valued, ignored, neglected, abused, shot at. T Rocko is concerned such a vast investment in multicultural respect, solidarity of resonance, integrity of long-term resiience through commitment to public dialogue rather than contentious debate, could only be justified with quantitative data Adding up how much anti-militarism and anti-police brutality prejudice exists and costs in Colchester. In this political and economic moment of social cooperative distancing, dissociation, scape-goating, rabid polarization, toxic partisanship We need a baseline, says he, of mutual disregard, to measure regenerative progress and/or degenerative retrenchment from community integral investments in health remediation, inclusive wealth for future cooperative governing generations. "Silence to me says it exists" retorts our First SelectWoman Rudko, self-appointed sole guardian of our public health investment purse, responds, Supporters of Armed Lives Matter Most are "making a generalization... not based on facts" that silence means discontent, speaks echo-chamberly of feeling an unhealthy lack of mutually fulfilling safety Too risky for speaking up transparently to listen vulnerably to all cooperative opportunity "Other" and "Alien" and "Immigrant" And silently listening especially for Not Straight Male Dominant voices, whispered narratives about aggressive predation stories of relentless win/lose debate rather than cooperative win/win dialogue with pro-social attachment, multiculturally nonsupremacist intelligence.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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