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Lizard Queen

Sand dunes erode away the meadows, sunflowers turn to a shade of red, sanguinary pool of limbs and skulls, let’s swim here for the taste of the hue. Burgundy pyramid upside down mini top, spinning vortices of moon dust afloat, the door opens, inside a hawk faced man, he promises to tell me a story if I listen. A large serpentine worm weaves bores, pits on this apple of crimson skin, a thick heavy glaze of caramel epoxy, sold to the highest bidder in the fine coat. Suspended I am trapped inside the terra firma, innards flee rib cage, empty chest cavity hollow, for my pulsate will be our guide back home, grasp my staff waving follow me, there’s candy. Elitist woman saw me and in that moment, hourglass salt spun for her carrying six bosoms, heaved for me as she moaned honey pleas stop, I almost regretted drowning her and the twins.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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