Like So Much Dust
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F Form - Free Verse (Written my way) Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Constance La France

Death is an experience life has prepared me for ~ by poet.
As the years accumulate.... like so much dust;
time makes its presence known ~
wrinkled skin, hair loss, and an assortment of aching bones
tick off the moments, days, months years
culminating in death...
Death is tethered to life;
fundamentally... it's the fulfillment of life.
Birth gives birth - to death ~ they're conjoined,
one cannot exist without the other.
Tears spontaneously flow at both - equally,
death - is - not - the - end ~ nor the beginning!
A circle has no beginning or end
and neither do souls...
We are souls, created, in the image of God
eternal ethereal sentient...
circles within circles - birth, death,
dreams - within dreams - within dreams ~
life death - death life;
words ingrained in our thoughts ~ used to justify
reality, as we perceive it to be.
Our view ~ limited by our conciseness,
we label death as the end of everything;
including ourselves.
But is that true?
Copyright © Emile Pinet | Year Posted 2024
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