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Like Opium

by Michaelw1two inspired by the word works of Gabriela Markova like opium, desire climbing the door; entering in the keyhole, today done, and no tomorrow; the past, reliving those memories, misery firmly displaced by smiles; out of my mind, floods my truth, into this moment’s secret dreams; like opium, pleasuring apparitions soothe; pain, woe, and misery beyond, profoundly warming my grief; stabbing there upon my thoughts, silky blue smoke rising; waving towards my sighs, eagerly drawn within my breath; like opium, anxiety replaced by emptiness; illusion’s grandeur, clothes my dreams, still, to wake up, leaves me desperate; I know the desolation that awaits me, the dream of hope that this high ignites; burning of my life’s truths and lies, visions gleaned off living’s despair; like opium, a line, pulls me towards infinity; firmly held by the thoughts of each day, threads woven, time fully entwined; stubborn and not aware, meant to complete this inner me; to replace my empty stare, with addiction, and shameful screams; like opium, this smoke, offers another encounter; my yearn overcomes my esteem, chance, overflows it’s efforts; ever so thin, reeking of sweetness, the scent, on my lips, pungent; forever to linger in my memories, closed thoughts embrace this darkness; like opium, me in that intoxicating bloom; only an illusion, mine to retouch, each second, I consume that chance; that each of the Fates offers up to me, bitterness or life’s savory tastes; truth’s sweetness or a further lies bald, or forgetfulness and languor’s lists; like opium. June 2013

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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