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Like Fire

And like that I am lost in you. The simplest of touch is all it takes. Lost in that feel good place that beckons our name over and over. The physical manifestation of what we both know to be true. The feel of your skin pressed tight against mine. Our fingers lost in the rhythm. The Times we've made mistakes like this. Our lips hesitant. Reaching out to one another in a pace we can both relate. You feel me and I know this to be true. Both of us lost. Slipping and sliding in reassurance. Eluding the overwhelming thought that at any moment our eyes will shut tight and our inner fear will dissipate into eruption. Anticipation built high. We both brace for the thrill of fire. A match striking the side of box. Over and over until we are both consumed. Blown away in satisfaction. Neither of us can speak. The peak of ascension. And Like that I am lost. Caressing you until the last ember is blown out

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 4/13/2018 8:53:00 PM
Good flowers of passion ... Enjoyed the rejuvenation ...
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