Light That Lights All Lights
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Inspirational Bible Verses:
Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again, "I am the light of the world." he said. Whoever follows me will have the light of life and never walk in darkness. (John 8:12)
You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead, it is put on the lampstand, where it gives light for everyone in the house. In the same way your light must shine before people so that they see good things you do and praise your Father in heaven. ( Mathew 5: 13-16)

Poem written 15.34pm Dec. 15. ,2024
“we look for that light eternal
that does not come and go
the screen upon which life plays
cognised in staid stillness slow”
by Unseeking Seeker
As Almighty Creator’s children who're created in the image of God,
We’re born gifted of His Light, don’t be so anxious or sad,
God’s light had dwelt in our heart and soul, in each and among us;
Let it shine in every minute, hourly, in all seasons, in every Christmas!
The light in our soul is powered as great and bright as the sun,
By our love, generosity, good deeds and holiness in expanse;
God’s Light in our heart is eternal, can’t be hidden, come and go--
We’re sculptured as His Lighthouses to glorify Him! Let’s all show!
If we’re blinded…carried away by temptations or disappointments,
Dwindled hope, faith, values and darkness will never be our Light’s ends;
Look within our soul, or of other’s, holding fervently to God in prayers
To light that lights all lights so brightly, for God lives in us forever!
Copyright © Len Gasun | Year Posted 2024
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