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to quell the voices that speak incessantly about the negative this must be a herculean lift above the skull so that the daily endeavors become quiet and functional unfortunately, there are too many dumpdicks who can't stand to make it enjoyable or easy for the rest of us who try this you may have a good day internally and some shat eater decides you look like a fun pounching bag mentally physically then you're in the mix of the blender you hate only because you want to move through to some peace in your life despite accidentally being in their cro-mag presence cross fire some asslick wants to make your dream never occur so now you must deal... why? is it the juxtaposition that makes for afterthought when action is required? now what? walk through because one does peregrinate through new mine fields with bloody hands and bad dreams of the mind if that's not all that's given this is why are we always thinking of love and different approaches to existing in this life... we need help ... new ideas are pure pure lifts us

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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