Life's Reason
Can change be permanent?
Can we last forever?
Could we dance till it was all over?
Questions unanswered
Introduce your tune and let the music play
Happy for Eternity
Hate only breeds disaster
Maybe change has its customs
But now is unanswered
Bring in the drums for drama and beat
As I sit upon the sky
Sweeping through wind
And putting tears on the face of a new born child
Ask away
Show me your dance and prepare to replay
I make flowers grow
And water flow from underneath the ground
I make ants live to work
And bees to make honey
Unless I like your song
Then death shouldn't delay
I'm as patient as death but not as loyal as it is
I'm kind hearted yet they say I'm otherwise
Do I not give you enough supply for an entire lifetime?
I'm only here for what I'm here for and that is to give
When birds chirp and Dawn descends
Let the sun rise to uphold it's defense
Everyday I fuel it for you
As I do the stars at night
Play the hook of the song
My only reason is to give
I am not one with the world
I only do what my Father asks of me
And I don't mind
Let the lyrics speak
For I am Life
The feeling that you breath
As you stand on the highest mountain
To be free
Until your song ends
Please go happily
And learn to let your heart forgive
Copyright © Esther Maccarthy | Year Posted 2016
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