Life’s Fickle Dance
Oh life, what dost thou hide for me next,
What tricks await, what trials dost thou test?
One day brings joy, the next doth sorrow reign,
Yet here I stand, through sunshine and through rain.
Thou twist and turn, thou never dost stand still,
Thy hand doth push me up another hill.
Thou mak’st me laugh, then mak’st me weep and sigh,
Yet still I soar, to reach the boundless sky.
Thou givest dreams, so sweet, they charm the heart,
Yet with thy hand, thou tearest them apart.
Thou givest love, then tak’st it swift away,
Yet I rise up, and greet another day.
Thou mak’st me run, thou mak’st me stumble, fall,
Yet from the ground, I rise again so tall.
Through tempests wild and trials thou dost send,
I stand unbow’d, and fight thee to the end.
Copyright © Akash Solanki | Year Posted 2024
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