Life With Pain
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Life With Pain
I live with pain every day of my life
Silently praying and smiling throughout,
And cry myself to sleep every night.
How quaint I may appear, but without spite
And `rise to labour day in and day out
I live in pain every day of my life.
I hurt tearfully without reprieve in sight
And struggle the dressing and undressing bout
And cry myself to sleep every night.
Trite games people engage in with delight
And disavow all consequential rout
I live in pain every day of my life.
I resigned to fate and accept the blight
And cannot undo that which has been brought
And cry myself to sleep every night.
Healthy people expose spirits contrite
When they see my predicament and flout
I live with pain every day of my life
And cry myself to sleep every night.
Copyright © Dennis Spilchuk | Year Posted 2024
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