Life To The Fullest
People have opinions about everything
It's our inalienable right I guess
To believe what we believe without outside influences
To discover with our very own eyes and heart
It's much more likely these facts will be retained
More than reading them in some ancient old manuscript
Living, investigating and researching the facts for ourselves
We learn by living through all of life's experiences
The good stuff, the bad stuff, the happy stuff, the sad stuff
But the moments that makes our hearts skip a beat
Are the most joyous moments as we walk through life
Watching the sun rise every morning
We never fail to be amazed by mother nature
Life is still the greatest mystery
How? Why? What does it all mean?
We don't need to know the answer to all of life's mysteries
We just need to enjoy them while we're here
And try our best to leave with the knowledge
We lived life to the fullest!
Copyright © Jack Ellison | Year Posted 2024
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