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Life Like It Is

A Life My life has three stages, I was young once it didn`t last so long, and the downturned came in my middle thirties, I sank into a gloom which now is called depression, everything terrible happened in quick succession divorce, booze and lose women. I sought company with people who were my inferiors and they took advantage of my need to be liked. It took a long time to get out of this fog I never got the help I needed all I heard was “pull yourself together.” But dawn came into my life I went to live in Portugal I discovered the joy of writing and the pleasure of silence. I have lived a wonderful life for thirty years and let go of my ego, to enjoy the day I have the freedom to do nothing And feel good about it. Today I have been listening to music on you tube until the strange cat that lives on the terrace protested; well” the three tenors” sing loudly. There is much poverty among the old also in Portugal should I feel guilty because my life is good? No, I will not have slept on a park bench I have been through the mill, and it was luck that got me out of it, so I go on living as long as it lasts

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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