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I still cannot breathe fresh air after tarrying in this place for five long years, I still cannot breath fresh air, my stomach is stiff and the salt is burnt out of the atmosphere, the earth has lost its bliss and is suffering from a terrible fever, bring on the showers to cool down the earth and catapult the bad spirits out of the dirt. The core of the earth is getting hot and the sprawling wind with its abundance of sin is entering the region with a force that will break down the doors and disrupt the movement in the city; it is the ending of time that is wrapped up with the oracle of the divine. I still have not enjoyed my youth, my adolescent and my middle age years; I have lost my womanhood in strange places where I have to toil among the different races, I have not live an inch of life, I have to struggle to pay the sacrifice, If I go to Timbuktu you are there sucking the energy out of the atmosphere and I just cannot breath fresh air .I just want to have the chance to live and dance to my own rhythm. I want to move out of this clustered space and go back to Asia where I can live like among the civilized race and drink clean water from the springs. Why won’t you let go off me, I detest your company, you have destroyed the fabric of the earth with your religious ideologies and your political commentary, How could you sit there every day staring in my face and act as if you don’t care, the new moon has come and gone and has left me sweating in the sweltering heat. I am still living in the dirt with no explanation from mother earth, I have to fend for myself with no resources from the heavens, everyone comes and drains the energy out of me and walked away looking happy and leave me groaning in misery. You build schools, colleges and universities to shame my dignity, you drive the teachers and professors from the schools to work in the dirt, and you hire the shirtless men to wear skirts. We work night and day without pay, the bills are piling up and I want to get out of this rut, what else can I do if the homeless and the immigrant steal my shoes. I want them out of my space so, that I can renovate the place. I don’t know how much longer must I endure this torment, how much longer must you pretend to be my friend, I want to go back to teach at the university and do what I can do best, that is the only place where I feel happy, please don’t leave me to die here, I love live and I will do all that it takes to stay alive.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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