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Liberating Green Philanthropists

I doubt a benefactor, philanthropist, a short-term financial investor, could optimally provide protect prevail with an ecopolitically healthy therapeutic service Yet, intersectionally, interdependently, multiculturally, poly-sensorily fall far short of co-investing in cooperative sacred green ecofeminist organic empowering and enlightening communion. Disempowering codependent anthrosupremacist services in some way(s) Other, commodifying non-profit and government intention, subjugating potential enrichment rivals, marginalizing direct service providers These, often HealthTrust and WealthBeauty associated, wise EarthMother's most sacred multi-sensory recreations regeneratively throw resonant and resilient enlightening and empowering bicameral bilateral binomial bionic bigenderal opportunities for and of restoring CoAttaching Green EcoPolitical Communion, All co-invested cooperative life systems are about as likely to have appeared, as disappeared, win/win TrueAtomic and Synergetic WaveLinear As a Yang/Yintegral polyculturing **** creolizing his/her/their predative PatriarchOther needs sacred HerOther in hearted heat Welcoming-Wombing Self More than S/He lives to merely ever-more serve philanthropic benefits as unfavorably contrasted with committing to cooperatively lusty solidarity empowering and enlightening fertile resilient thriving Entries and exits for compassion passions cooperatively climaxing, ecopolitically predicting long-term healthy and safe win/win global, universally uniting afterglow At least more so than waking up the next morning sadly realizing your latest RightWing investment further jeopardizes health and safe wealth of all our grandchildren and their rusty food chains and their green climate healthcare infrastructures and their ecopolitical co-investing wealth cooperatives and their Plant and Animal Lives Matter indigenous green wisdom deals.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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