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Liberal Operatic Lovers

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Informed in part by Sherri Mitchell's "Sacred Instructions" (2018) on Conflict therapy, especially p. 76.

What cooperative evidence could we final climate find for WinWin cooperation lovers including LeftBrain secular humanities inviting no more or less valueflow than RightBrain WiseElder root-branch dipolar etchings neurologically ancient bipolar temporal systemic body-branch, mind-root DNA enscriptured holonic trees, DNA river stream fed through matriarchal precessive waving lines in 4D spacetime sacred divine limbic flowing open multiculturing systems of secular/sacred memory, Left nature branches fed by ElderRight ecospirit Trust-Energy both temporal tempered and spatial bilateral positive daylight 16 hours equals 8 fractal-octave median hours dualdark WinWin PositiveHealth OVER LoseLose Negative notnotPathology, conflict, risk-squared equals co-opportunity as YinFractal equals YangRadiant SunGod, if you were a lily, which would, of course, seem LeftBrain rather silly. UnHoly HerStory of Yang strength for cooperative integrity within ElderYin wombs resonant double-binding temporal bilateral flowing brainstem roots, BrainStem Roots of positive ergodic past physical bodies and notnot negative bionic, metaphysical future bilaterals, co-WinWin Here/Now gravitating. Zero Matriarchal Operatic Voices zen lens Yang active Trust with Yin dissonant notnot conflict, passive-aptic tolerance of notpeace without health-developmental therapeutic justice. Universal cortex outside with yin-unitarian brain root systemed concaved exforming/reforming past/future DNA re-associations on our best Sacred ElderRight remembering days and reforesting brainstem tree-root justice nurturing nights speaking through extending family re-memories of light with dualdark ecological theology dialectal operatic communion theories of epic revolutions. We each, separately disassociated and associated together, transform our revolutionary rhythmed limbic character climate views and holonic patterned natural BrainStem Trees of Trusting AncientVoices orthodox health in positive beliefs, hopes to revolve, renew, change 4dimensional bicameral conflicted, disassociated ego-space v eco-bilateral timeless time. RightBrain WiseElders conjoining LeftCortex Messengers WinWin consorting EgoConflicts with EcoTherapeutic Matriarchal CoOperative Governance, co-acclimations without violent crusades, Left/Right deductive positive/inductive notnot appositional oppositional bipolar-past/dipolar-future Either-Or/Both-And ecopolitical creolization, transubstantiation, co-redemption... Open ecosystems deep and wide WinWin temporal transformation follow limbic ZeroZones personal ego/ecopolitical WinWin dreams ElderSacred Right notnot vetoing Secular Left's rational polynomial informing Voice speaking through 4D Prime-Relational SpaceTime NonZero-Sum TrustLeft with BeautyRight overstory co-associating dipolar healthwealth nested inter-organic forest trends with co-associated dipolar ZeroVariance, bilateral 4D DNA Holy Matriarchal-Cooperative Scriptured to respect as healthy CoRelational Revolutionary Operatic Voices. Personal transubstantiating LeftTruth as RightBeauty information EgoLeft with Eco ElderRight YangCortex bilaterals nurturing YinSquared LightFlow of Time. RightBrain train back through NewBorn temporal/limbic leaves falling dark and rising light in unison with BrainStem inductive resonance includes gratitude for WinLose conflicts past, now reviewed for WinWin opportunities to do better healing healthy cooperative growth of ecowealth. When Win/Lose anger fear grief shame self and other blame for LoseLose competing projected trends missing WinWin not yet opportunities to choose revolutionary new ways to cooperatively respond with healing WinLose toward LoseLose pathological dualdark not noticing yet further feeding anger and fear and self-without-other blame Left deductive consciousness facing critical Life/Death issues, like universal health care opportunities missed for robust internal/external unitarian climate welfare, Or Business as RightWing capitalism distrusted played-out Win/Lose Climate ZeroSum Usual risks restoring LeftWing ecofeminist EarthMother singing/dancing throwback Tribes of resilient/resonant climate happiness FireCircles restoring joy and rain dancing and FullMoon celebrations of health-wealth nutritional abundance becoming our own robust 2020 active resonate hearing and seeing opportunity to recognize dualdark climatic limbic emotions co-arising and co-gravitating choosing not to feed and water Win/Lose monocultural LeftBrain dominions To create more ZeroZenZone multicultural balancing wealthy time with healthy space revolutions choosing a co-enlightening natural/spiritual response re-aligning natural-Win/spiritual-Lose toward WinWin positive energy ecological psychology re-direction toward bilateral brain's matriarchal root NewBorn stems we all want to further PositivEnergy evolve from historic past through herstoric operative reforesting Voice. Each day's musical temporal-limbic time we WinWin ego/eco balancing choose to re-engage ongoing uncreative dissonant tensions, we invite deeper re-creative WinWin patterns of and for Left/Right conflict healing in love graced secular/sacred inter-revolving strong-hearted operatic liberating lives.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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