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Let's Make Love Tonight

I know you have had a long day, hectic and caustic You need to rest your bones and lose the stress What better way than the good old way A tender sweet session of love and pampering In a dimly lighted room with petals of roses sprinkled on the bed and floor First I will fill the bath with warm scented water Then I will take off your clothes gently and lower you into the bath, lather you with soap and clean you like a baby You will smell fresh and free, so ready to fly Then I massage your tired muscles with some aromatic relaxing oil till you sigh with release, the tiredness gone I will let my fingers linger down below and my tongue do magic up above and together they will bring you to a crescendo of pleasure and stop! Then I will take my tongue down below and leave my fingers to kneadle up above like I am playing the guitar Stroking the right keys Until you scream with mad body rippling pleasure Only then will I slowly enter your paradise moving ever so gently, afraid to tear open the flood gate of hidden pleasure Oh but I lose control, fast, furious then slow and all over again I hear you cry, scream, I see the tears but you are also laughing, smiling Together we move in close embrace and then we explode, our scent fill the room That ecstatic and beautiful scent of sweet love making

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 8/5/2019 5:43:00 AM
If you are not writing romance novels you should be because whether or not you know it, you just did, and it did not take 250 pages either. Wow! A shower is waiting for me somewhere.
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Aladeshawe Avatar
Adeshina Aladeshawe
Date: 10/12/2019 3:46:00 PM
Thanks Caren. I just might take your advice and go to work on my first romantic novel...
Date: 8/2/2019 5:17:00 AM
Wow very vivid images! A very pleasurable night I can see, I wonder if there is a lucky lady who has experienced this yet ;)
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Aladeshawe Avatar
Adeshina Aladeshawe
Date: 2/24/2020 5:27:00 AM
Vivid, yeah? I like vivid. Thanks Kudzai!

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