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Let Champione

Highstakes at this one "Reassetment " The love event giving Contenders chances And oppurtunities. And Some guys hopping their names Don't come up in the cluster of five drawing. You don't have to be in the match to lose Your title, if your name is drawn in the cluster Of five you and your divisions title will be On the line no matter who's name is drawn to represent Your divisions interest.winner. let's say the auditor draws red cluster ball, those four men who are in the American National division will Represent the American National Championship and the current champion will assume a coaching role, no DQ to assure fairness. Annd if the representive losses the title will change hands,vif he wins he's number one contender his rolevis back by a security guard eam to protect you he wrestlers inerest. Same goes with the tagteam title, pin a tagteam partner and become tagteam champion, or at least half of team champion. It could happen that no u men are pinned and a new formation has developed. Or the member who is drawn on the cluster of five could loss a partners position and recreation e a new team, anything can happen, and better believe these guys aren't happy about this, some of them are, great night for people how like speculation. . After the matches are thru each winners name goes in the he bucket as red or green car ain't got he Conteste let Champion last man remaining is Trophied and repositions the current standings. Win:win for ambition, not a great night to be a champion. Our founders used this method to crown The first World's Champion and World's tagteam Champions, and the American National Champion It's rumor that the winner will be named the first ever "Pride of the People Champion" it just rumor, speculation Might inspire some of these guys, it will terribly anger others. You can lose everything you wished to acheive by way Of someone else's ambition, or lack their of.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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