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Leo Kate Rose and Jack 2

Cutting a path Along a railroad track Through desert grass With no scenery at all Apart from passing a barren dry oasis Because everything else is nothing but dunes and sand as far as the eye can see That and the odd bit of desert grass Accompanied only by the clickady clack of a railroad soundtrack beating metronome through my brain And still no station whence to stop Still no crossroad to crossover No conductor to click or check i had a ticket bought Nor even a driver aboard to steer this direction less train Worst of all where it's going Where this train's journey came from began Or is eventually supposed to terminate What it's e.t.a is or even if it is predestined to arrive at all For all i know i just may well be without my knowledge aboard The land locked locomotive equivalent Of the unsinkable shipwreck now infamously referred to as simply Titanic And on further inspection according to the official passanger manifesto This ghost train heading head long into the most desolate of desert Has exactly the same number of soul's on board As it's doomed sister ship And come to think of it most eerily of all is today's date is in fact Thursday 15 April 2012 100 year's to the day the month the year the second on A so called girl named Rose and boy called Jack apparently met And drowned hopelessly in love till death

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 8/5/2021 3:41:00 PM
wow, one of my favorite movies, of all time. Thank you for sharing it in such a descriptive way, Christopher :)
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Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 8/5/2021 3:47:00 PM
Cheers Rose Ta thank you very much indeed
Date: 8/4/2021 3:07:00 PM
I never seen the titanic on your horizons Christopher, I thought we where going on a ghost train journey, great twist and fine storytelling, your imagery in the desert is stunningly bleak and palpable, great writing, cheers David
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Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 8/4/2021 5:27:00 PM
Cheers David thank you so very much for your thoroughly inspirational and uplifting comment.
Date: 8/3/2021 6:00:00 PM
An historic ghostly journey, good poem !
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Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 8/4/2021 5:28:00 PM
Cheers Paris much obliged and appreciative of your reading and comment

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