Last Train To Auschwitz
They mocked him, the old religious fanatic
Asking God a question with every step
Pleading for mercy for each of the town's Jews
Blessing each morsel of food he so carefully chews
The haughty soldiers are loading up the train now
Jamming the last cattle cart 'til it near burst
But Yankel is still fiddling with his shoelaces
Trying to recall which shoe to put on first
What had the Holy Books told him ~ Right or left
And then which laces to fasten and what prayer
He just couldn't remember. Would God ever forgive him
The sounds of the engine gaining steam up there
Shoes in hand, he chased the departing train
Stumbled and fell on the stones in his path
His whole town transported to Auschwitz without him
Each one to the crematoria to shower and die
~ Only Yankel left to pray to God, mourn and cry
April 14, 2021
Last Train to Auschwitz Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Kai Michael Neumann
Copyright © Gershon Wolf | Year Posted 2021
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