Last Lines of Poetry
Not many words left for you
my lips become icy
days and nights freeze on my skin,
on my head, on my shoulders,
on my back, and on every strand of white hair tonight...
New year comes through the window,
blows chilly wind into my bones,
quivers my every cell,
and shakes my legs...
My hands softly try to grasp every day,
catching the still-far-away joy...
You should watch
carefully to see that
the fog tonight becomes my breaths,
that the midnight moon
is your face among the stars fading away...
Not many words left for you
I sit under the moonlight,
write down until no ink remains,
and see my last words
soak in fog and smoke...
my last lines of poetry in my life
now become gifts for you
and tomorrow I will live a homeless life,
wandering under the light of moon and stars
no more words in my life
when the sky becomes a piece of paper,
when the flying stars become ink lines
and when you become the moon...
By Phan Tan Hai
Copyright © Hai Phan | Year Posted 2022
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