They began with such promise
Though the wells were foul
And they listened to us
When the night ones prowled
Though the wells were foul
They drew water from colors
When the night ones prowled
There were too few lovers
They drew water from colors
Flowing flaming red hot
There were too few lovers
And their eyes were bloodshot
Flowing flaming red hot
Running freezing blue cold
And their eyes were bloodshot
With false visions of old
Running freezing blue cold
Feeling numb to the pain
With false visions of old
Dragging long rusty chains
Feeling numb to the pain
And avoiding the lashes
Dragging long rusty chains
Midst the smoldering ashes
And avoiding the lashes
They grew lazy and warm
Midst the smoldering ashes
They succumbed to the storm
They grew lazy and warm
But began with such promise
They succumbed to the storm
As they no longer heard us
Copyright © Mark Elam | Year Posted 2018
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